
No. Name feature Property detailed
01 Acrylic Yarn Smoothing Agent 807A Soft and slippery; Appearance: Milky white emulsion ? Ionicity: Weak cation ? 1% PH: 6 + 1 ? Solubility: can be diluted with water at any ratio detailed
02 Roman cloth fluffy agent HB-9724 Fluffy and soft; ? Low color change Appearance: transparent emulsion ? Ionicity: Weak cation ? 1% PH: 6 + 1 ? Solubility: can be diluted with water at any ratio detailed
03 Cotton ice-sensitive silicone oil 3401 Cold and silky; ? Excellent washability; Appearance: colorless slightly yellow transparent liquid ? Ionicity: Weak cation ? 1% PH value: 6.5 + 0.5 ? Solubility: can be diluted with water at any ratio detailed
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